

Exchange and Learning, Summarizing Achievements to Improve Management and Promote Development
Release Date:2015-11-04 12:00:21
 Chairman Zhang Zhaoxing Attended the Meeting between Premier Li Keqiang and Domestic and Foreign Business Representatives at Summer Davos

On Sept. 9 - 11, Yuexiu Group, headed by Chairman Zhang Zhaoxing, attended the Ninth Summer Davos forum (Annual Meeting of the New Champions of the World Economic Forum) in Dalian, which offered another opportunity to learn and communicate with a number of politicians and well-known enterprises from around the world. This forum, themed "Charting a New Course for Growth", brought together more than 1700 honored guests from over 90 different countries to discuss emerging problems and critical issues affecting China and world economic growth under the background of scientific and technological innovation.

On Sept. 9, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met with domestic and foreign business representatives, and as a new leading business representative in China, Chairman Zhang Zhaoxing in the company of Secretary Ren Xuefeng attended the meeting. A total of more than 200 people, including managers from the Fortune Global 500 multinational corporations and business leaders, attended the meeting. State Councilor Yang Jing, who is also the Secretary-General of the State Council, and Zhou Xiaochuan, the President of the People's Bank of China, attended the meeting as well.

Chairman Zhang Zhaoxing Attended the Meeting between Premier Li Keqiang and Domestic and Foreign Business Representatives

Chairman Zhang Zhaoxing Attended the Meeting between Premier Li Keqiang and Domestic and Foreign Business Representatives

At the meeting, Premier Li Keqiang delivered viewpoints on hot topics such as China economic situation, financial reform, RMB internationalization, government debt, and so on. Premier Li said: Global economic growth remains sluggish. It is true that the Chinese economy has come under downward pressure. The "shape" of the economy is that there have been some ups and downs, but the underlying trend remains positive. The overall economic development is slow but stable. Talking about new drivers of economic growth, we are encouraging mass entrepreneurship and innovation, and China has the capability to maintain medium to high-speed growth.

Premier Li also said: China will press ahead with the financial reform, ease market access for private banks, and continue to develop a multi-tiered capital market in China and pursue a market-driven and law-based approach in this process. The purpose is to establish an open and transparent capital market of long-term, steady and healthy growth. When talking about RMB internationalization, Premier Li stressed that there was no basis for continued depreciation of RMB and the RMB exchange rate could stay basically stable at an adaptive and equilibrium level. When talking about unusual fluctuations on China' s capital market in June and July, Premier Li said: Relevant Chinese authorities took steps to stabilize the market to prevent any spread of risks. Now we can say that we have successfully forestalled potential systemic financial risks.

On Sept. 10, the opening ceremony of Summer Davos was held at a conference room in Dalian International Conference Center, and Premier Li Keqiang attended the ceremony and delivered an important speech. Zhang Zhaoxing, chairman of Yuexiu Group, was invited to attend the opening ceremony and listened to the speech given by the Premier. Premier Li gave viewpoints on focal topics such as China economy, foreign currency, financial system, reform and opening up, and so on. Premier Li said: the Chinese economy will not head for a "hard landing", and we are capable of meeting the main goals set for economic development this year. Despite the moderation in speed, the performance of the Chinese economy is stable and moving in a positive direction. Although difficulties remain, there are more opportunities than challenges. At the meeting, Premier Li also announced a series of new measures for reform and opening up, including promoting the opening of interbank foreign exchange market to foreign central banks, creating the China International Payment System by the end of the year, encouraging foreign investment into innovation and public service fields, and so on. He said: we will continue to ease restrictions on the access of private capital to the financial sector, and actively develop private banks, financing guarantee and financial leasing to better support the real economy.

Chairman Zhang Zhaoxing listened to the speech given by Premier Li Keqiang at the opening ceremony of Summer Davos Forum

In the afternoon on Sept. 10, Chairman Zhang Zhaoxing attended the meeting with Duan Chunhua, Member of the Standing Committee and Executive Vice Mayor of Tianjin, and discussed the situation of investment and development in Tianjin and the related investment opportunities. And in the evening, "Night of Guangzhou" was held at Summer Davos for the first time, aiming to display the essence of Lingnan culture, publicize the unique charm of Guangzhou City and promote the image of Guangzhou to the world. As one of the leading enterprises in Guangzhou, Yuexiu Group invited senior leaders of well-known international enterprises such as Nomura International, Development Bank of Singapore, HSBC Bank, PwC, Deloitte & Touche, BOC International, and so on to attend the Night of Guangzhou to experience the unique charm and economic achievements of Guangzhou.

Chairman Zhang Zhaoxing attended the meeting with Duan Chunhua, Member of the Standing Committee and Executive Vice Mayor of Tianjin


A photo of Chairman Zhang Zhaoxing and municipal leaders attending "Night of Guangzhou"

In just three days’ time, Chairman Zhang Zhaoxing had attended conferences such as "China Reform Agenda", "Financial Sector Restructuring", "the Digital Revolution of Financial Sector", "Ambition of RMB Internationalization", "Global Economic Prospects", and so on, and further understood the current situation and development trend of global economy and finance; he met with several leaders of world renowned enterprises such as America Merrill Lynch, KPMG, Deloitte & Touche, BOC International, Deutsche Bank, Intercontinental Hotels Group and discussed strategic development and management of enterprise to further broaden the international vision; and he also attended featured activities held by the Organizing Committee of Davos Forum such as "Culture Banquet", "Night of China" and so on.


Chairman Zhang Zhaoxing discussed with Secretary Ren and other municipal leaders during the break

Thanks to the strong support from Ren Xuefeng, Guangzhou Municipal Party Secretary, and relevant municipal leaders, Yuexiu Group participated in the Summer Davos Forum this year and listened to the voice of global economical growth from a close distance, and learned and exchanged experiences with world-famous enterprises and discussed new ideas for cooperation to establish a new coordinate for achieving the "13th five-year" strategic development plan. During the Forum, Secretary Ren was deeply concerned about the reform and development of the Group and pointed out that Yuexiu should summarize the gains from the Forum and improve management level constantly to promote greater development. According to the instructions from Secretary Ren, Yuexiu Group will seek stable improvement ambitiously through more significant innovation and strive to become a more superior modern international business group with stronger market competitiveness.